Amplitude modulation synthesizer
Drum sequencerLate 80s drum machine with sequencer made using WebAudioAPI
EleqtroniqaDigital subtractive synthesizer simulator
FM synthesizer v4Frequency modulation synthesizer made using WebAudioAPI
PolyPolyphonic subtractive synthesizer
UbersawPolyphonic multivoice synthesizer
Repitch calculatorCalculate ratio in semitones for tempo change
Tempo calculatorCalculate tempo from bar length and vice versa
Compress/decompress data using LZ77 algorithm
LZW compressorCompress/decompress data using LZW algorithm
NanoRSAEncrypt/decrypt data using asymmetric RSA encryption
Teed 0.1Personal web notebook that can be edited from itself
JSON viewerDisplay JSON as tree with foldable nodes
Gauss elimination solverSolve systems of linear equations using Gauss elimination method
T4ble spreadsheet processorSimple spreadsheet processor supporting infix expressions
Spreadsheet processorPrimitive spreadsheet processor with computed RPN expressions
PoCaSimPocket calculator emulator with close to authentic behaviour
WordgenGenerate new words from dictionary data
WhiteboardSimple notetaking applet
WormholeClient-side CORS circumvention tool
RoontimeExecute jsplayground-compatible scripts
TruchetGenerate truchet tile pattern from string
DifftoolTool for comparing text files line-to-line
VideocutterVideo editing utility
Sequence Diagram CreatorTool for creating simple sequence diagram
Web desktop with look'n'feel of Windows 3.11
neOS currentneOS Web desktop environment, cutting edge version
neOSneOS Web desktop environment
neOS/PocketneOS version for pocket PCs and PDAs
P4Experimental platform for unhosted webapps and web desktop
Write JS code and run. Gives interface for easy IO and canvas access.
Javascript REPLModern branch
TinyBASICTinyBASIC REPL/interpreter
BFerBRAINF~1 interpreter
CARDsimVirtual machine and assembler emulating CARDIAC architecture
StacardSimple stack-based virtual machine emulator and assembler
neBasicSimple BASIC-like language interpreter
shell12Shell-like scripting environment intended to be embeddable and extensible
BadLispLisp-like language interpreter
Kyrt DemoKyrt runtime demo
Online multiplayer strategy based on Konquest
KonquestTurn-based strategy inspired and based on KDE's Gnulactic Conquest and similar to Galcon/Galactic Conquest
Pixelman2Arcade platformer, 2nd attempt. Run, jump, shoot
Set«Set» card game
PipesPipe-connecting puzzle game
OpenTTDOpenTTD browser builds page
AESAke Entertainment System, game console simulator
Base managementPrototype of macromanagement strategy with complex-ish economy model
AES listAES games catalogue
SnakeJust snake
PixelmanAttempt to create simple platformer arcade. Jump, run away from enemies, collect coins.
Pixelman Re-ampedJump, run away from enemies, climb ladders, collect coins.
Net WandererNetwork terminal emulator, hacking game in progress
-eleHackNetwork terminal emulator, inspired by telehack and hacking games like uplink
HarvStrategy AI experiment
B-RaceSimple car driving game
Vector RallySimple car driving game
Vector Rally 1.1Simple car driving game
Px15Pixelmanic tech demo
!botsClone of classic Robots/Chase game
Tool for calculating blending result for 2 colours
LyfeLandGenLandscape generator based on Conway's Life
ScratchGenSeamless straw/scratch-like texture generator
MultifilterApply filters to image and write custom plugins
MODXORPattern generator based on modular arithmetic and exclusive OR operation
OrthoMODXORMODXOR modification producing rotated pattern